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Artificial Turf for Dogs in Orlando, FL

Use Artificial Turf to Create the Perfect Lawn for Your Dog

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ProGreen specializes in installing premium artificial turf specifically designed for dogs. Since 1987, we have been at the forefront of developing synthetic dog turf. The unique design of our pet turf includes low pile heights and a revolutionary backing system that simplifies waste management. Additionally, this turf is engineered to withstand heavy use and play from pets. This gives pet owners confidence that their investment in ProGreen turf will endure through time.

Here are some of the benefits of our artificial grass for pets:

Water Conservation

Artificial turf contributes to water preservation by eliminating the need for watering. Engage in water conservation and help reduce resource wastage.

Environmental Safety

By not requiring harmful chemicals, synthetic turf protects the environment while offering a low-maintenance, perpetually green landscape.

Recycling and Responsible Disposal

Ensure eco-friendly disposal of artificial grass through responsible landfill use or by participating in recycling programs.


  • Experience the charm of a vibrant, green lawn minus the upkeep. Our turf mimics the appearance and texture of natural grass, enhancing your home.
  • Our turf is engineered to be durable and withstand the energetic play of dogs. It provides a warm and welcoming environment for your pets over the years.
  • We are experts in high-quality artificial turf tailored for dogs. Our specialization guarantees you receive the finest product and service tailored to your pets’ needs.


ProGreen recognizes the importance of your pet’s comfort. We provide a selection of pet-focused products that ensure safety and gentleness for your pet’s paws.Explore our options, like the K9 Deluxe and K9 Champion, created specifically for dogs. These feature a shorter pile height than our standard landscape turf, making them more suitable for play and activity. Your pet is sure to enjoy it!

A child standing on artificial with a dog
A group of dogs sitting on a green artificial turf lawn in orlando, fl


At ProGreen, our experience spans over three decades in designing and installing fake grass. Your satisfaction and your pet’s joy are our foremost concerns. We aim to provide a turf solution that meets and surpasses your expectations.

Selecting high-grade artificial turf for your dog involves considering several key aspects. One aspect is durability. A sturdy turf forms the basis of a lasting investment, providing your pet with an outdoor area they can enjoy for a long time. It’s important to make sure the turf can endure your dog’s daily activities while retaining its quality.

Another factor is efficient drainage. This is particularly important for turf used by pets. With pets being active and often messy, excellent drainage keeps your yard functional after heavy rain or due to pet-related wetness. Our turf is crafted with superior drainage capabilities, ensuring your pet can play without worrying about water buildup.


Superior drainage is essential for preventing muddy areas and puddles in your yard, and it’s also vital in addressing the odors often associated with pet urine. For this reason, when choosing artificial turf for dogs, you need to consider drainage efficiency.

Typically, artificial turf in the market features perforated backings, where pet urine must find its way through specific drainage holes to pass through the turf. This design can lead to liquid accumulation, including urine, around these holes, leading to unpleasant smells.

ProGreen’s dog-specific products, however, incorporate our innovative ProFlow technology. This unique design has a non-perforated backing that significantly enhances drainage capacity, increasing it by over 100%.

The ProFlow technology allows for immediate drainage through any part of the turf, eliminating the need for urine to locate specific holes. This innovation ensures a cleaner and more pleasant outdoor environment for you and your pets. Our turf is the ultimate solution for dog-friendly artificial grass.


ProGreen’s method for installing dog-friendly artificial turf is meticulously designed to deliver a superior, enduring finish. This involves several steps:

  1. Ground Preparation: The first step involves clearing and leveling the chosen area to create a flat base for the turf.
  2. Gravel Base Installation: A layer of gravel is laid down next. This base offers a stable foundation and enhances drainage capabilities.
  3. Turf Laying and Securing: The artificial turf is then rolled out and securely fastened using nails or staples, ensuring it stays in place.
  4. Infill Selection and Application: The final stage in ProGreen’s installation process is choosing and applying the right infill. Infill is essential for imparting cushioning and stability to the turf, and certain types also aid in odor elimination. Through careful selection and even infill distribution, you can establish a long-lasting artificial lawn, offering years of pleasure and utility.

This approach ensures the creation of a low-maintenance, evergreen space that elevates your outdoor living experience.


To prepare the ground for your artificial turf for dogs, first, you must accurately measure the area that needs to be worked on. This step allows you to fully understand the dimensions and layout of your intended project.

Following this, our expert team will take on the task of removing any existing grass and soil. This is done to create a clean, even base for the installation.

After clearing the area, we proceed to excavate to the required depth and shape. This process is carefully tailored, considering various elements such as the current landscape features, the specific type of turf you’ve chosen, and integrating any hard landscaping elements or pavers into your design.

Finally, once excavation is complete, we lay down a base. This base is typically made of compacted stone or a similar appropriate material. Its purpose is twofold: it provides a level foundation for fake grass and facilitates effective drainage.

people laying out artificial turf
artificial Turf Dog Run


Once the groundwork and base setup are complete, we lay and secure the artificial turf. The process begins by carefully unrolling the turf and positioning it according to the predetermined layout. This ensures that it fits precisely within the contours and dimensions of your yard.

The next task is to trim and align the edges of the turf. We employ seam tape strategically at the central sections of the turf, achieving a smooth, continuous look across the entire surface.

To anchor the turf onto the base firmly, we use nails or staples. This ensures the turf remains securely in place, avoiding any displacement or shifting during usage. Proper fastening maintains the turf’s stability but also contributes to the durability of your artificial lawn.

Best Artificial Grass for Dogs


ProGreen stands out as a dependable and trustworthy provider of artificial grass installation products for those in the Orlando area. They offer an extensive selection of superior synthetic turf specifically tailored for pet turf applications. These products are engineered to make them easy to use and long-lasting while achieving a natural look. This ensures that your yard will look beautiful and offer a delightful experience for you and your pet.

In addition to their aesthetic and functional benefits, ProGreen’s artificial grass products are environmentally friendly. They can contribute to earning LEED credits for your home or commercial building, making them a perfect choice for eco-conscious consumers. Choosing ProGreen for your artificial pet grass needs means choosing excellence in both product and service, with the assurance of a lasting and satisfying installation.


Proper maintenance and care are key to maintaining the quality and extending the life of your artificial lawn. Although synthetic turf is less demanding than natural grass, regular cleaning and occasional inspections are important to keep your yard looking its best.

Routine tasks like gently brushing the turf fibers help maintain their appearance and feel. Additionally, replenishing the infill every 2-4 years is essential for preserving the turf’s condition and extending its usability. Adhering to these maintenance guidelines will ensure you can enjoy your artificial lawn for many years.


Regular watering is a simple yet effective way to maintain the quality of your artificial grass. The need for watering varies based on factors such as the size of the turf area, the number of dogs, and how often they use it. Generally, it’s advised to water your pet turf about 1-2 times per week. This routine helps ensure effective drainage and reduces the chances of urine odors developing.

If you’re unsure, a brief watering session each day can be beneficial. It’s important to avoid letting urine remain on the turf for extended periods to keep the area clean and free from odors.


Immediate removal of pet waste is crucial to prevent damage to your artificial turf. Allowing waste to sit on the turf can lead to it drying and adhering to the fibers, making it more challenging to remove and increasing the risk of damaging the turf. To avoid this, pick up any waste as quickly as possible and rinse the area with water.


Beyond routine cleaning, your artificial grass for pets will benefit from regular brooming and inspections. The fibers of the turf, especially in areas frequently used by pets, may flatten over time. To maintain the turf’s appearance, we suggest using a soft-bristle push broom to gently brush the turf at least once a year. During this maintenance, also examine the turf’s seams, edges, and the level of infill to spot any issues that may need attention.

Regular maintenance and timely repairs are key to keeping your artificial lawn in excellent condition for the long term.


Maintaining an artificial lawn in Orlando is considerably easier than caring for natural grass. To keep your synthetic turf looking pristine and performing well over the years, it’s important to consistently clean it and remove any debris. Also, properly managing your turf’s infill helps maintain its quality and appearance. By following these straightforward maintenance steps, you can ensure that your artificial lawn stays in great condition.


The outcome of your artificial pet turf installation largely hinges on picking the right partner for the job. You should choose a company with experience installing turf specifically designed for dogs and boasts a solid track record of delivering quality products and services.

To make an informed decision, it’s advisable to thoroughly research and gather details about prospective installation partners. Look into their history, area of expertise, and reviews from previous customers. This will help you choose a partner that can guarantee a durable and high-quality artificial lawn that meets your dogs’ needs.


When assessing potential installers for your synthetic pet turf, start by examining their level of experience and reputation in the field. A thorough review of their website and customer testimonials and asking for direct references can provide deeper insights into their expertise and the standard of their work.

You should also check the qualifications and certifications of the installers. Assess their years of experience in the industry and the quality of both the materials they use and the services they offer. Considering all these elements will help you make a well-informed choice in selecting the most suitable installation partner for your synthetic pet turf project.

dog on artificial turf
artificial turf for dog park


ProGreen distinguishes itself as the leading provider of artificial turf installation thanks to having over 30 years of rich experience and unwavering commitment to quality. This extensive history in producing and installing synthetic turf products equips ProGreen with the proficiency needed to deliver a superior, long-lasting synthetic pet yard.

What sets ProGreen apart further includes:

  • Their offering of eco-friendly artificial grass products and systems that align with LEED credits, enhancing the sustainability of your home or building.
  • A commitment to providing top-tier products and services.
  • A dedication to an environmentally sustainable future.

Choosing ProGreen as your installation partner assures you of receiving high-quality products and services, including their eco-friendly options, which contributes towards a greener future.


When choosing an installer for your artificial grass for pets, you should ask a series of questions to confirm their suitability for your project. Consider asking potential installers:

  1. “Can you share your experience with installing artificial turf specifically for pets?”
  2. “What type of warranty do you offer on your installations?”
  3. “Could you provide maintenance guidelines specific to artificial turf for pets?”
  4. “Do you hold any certifications or licenses relevant to synthetic pet grass installation?”
  5. “What are your prices and what financial options do you offer?”
  6. “What is the full scope of your installation process?”
  7. “Do you have a qualified electrician on hand during the installation process?”

It also gives you a clearer picture of the installers’ capabilities and services, helping you choose the best fit for your artificial dog turf project.

dog agility course with artificial turf
dogs on artificial turf


When budgeting for fake grass installation specifically for dogs, it’s important to consider several financial aspects. These include the cost of the turf product itself, labor charges, and any available financing options.

The price will depend on the type of turf you choose. Synthetic turf is generally more costly than natural grass, primarily because of its durability and reduced maintenance needs.

Labor costs can also vary, as they are influenced by factors such as the size of the area to be covered and the complexity of the installation process. To ensure you get a cost-effective deal, it’s wise to get quotes from various installers and compare them.

Additionally, explore any financing options that might be offered. This could help manage the upfront cost of the installation more effectively.


In Orlando, the benefits of artificial turf are numerous, appealing to both homeowners and businesses. Whether it’s for creating low-maintenance home lawns, safe play areas for pets, backyard putting greens, or for enhancing commercial properties, synthetic grass stands out as a versatile, long-lasting, and economical choice. With the correct installation and regular maintenance, your artificial turf can offer lasting advantages.

If you’re exploring artificial turf options for your dog, ProGreen is an excellent choice. As a leading company in artificial turf installation, we are equipped to assist you in transforming your outdoor space. Choosing ProGreen means embracing the benefits of artificial grass and enjoying a beautiful, functional lawn tailored to your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

The best artificial grass for dogs is our K9 Deluxe and K9 Champion. They feature a lower pile height and excellent drainage, perfect for dogs.

We recommend you can clean up after your dog just as you would if you had a natural yard. We suggest that you spray down the artificial grass periodically to prevent any noticeable odors. ProGreen can also provide you with an organic turf cleaning solution that you can easily apply.

During warmer months your turf is going to receive longer periods of direct sunlight. This direct sunlight can start to increase the temperature of your turf. ProGreen has developed a proprietary cooling system to help combat those higher temperatures.

The cost of an artificial putting green varies greatly depending on the size and complexity of the design but typically ranges from $8 to $10 per square foot.

For a 500 square-foot yard, most homeowners will spend between $5,000-$7,500, depending on product, accessibility, and scope of work. It’s best to contact us for a personalized quote to meet your specific needs.

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