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How does ProGreen make the best artificial turf for dogs? ProGreen designs our turf to be pet friendly. What makes the turf so “pet friendly” is primarily the backing, pile height, and durability.  When it comes to your dogs, you want an artificial turf product that can withstand all of their activity while remaining soft on their paws. ProGreen has been manufacturing and installing the best artificial turf for dogs since 1987. We’ve observed what dog owners (and dogs!) love about pet turf, and created the absolute best artificial turf for dogs.


The most important part of a pet turf is the backing. Without sufficient drainage, the area will begin to smell due to pooling pet urine. The best pet turfs have a 100% permeable backing, which allows for drainage throughout the entire product. You should avoid backings that are just urethane for multiple reasons:

  1. Urethane backing typically has punched holes for drainage, and the chances of dog urine finding these punched holes is very unlikely, unless they have impeccable aim!
  2. Drainage holes can also get clogged by infill or debris over time, meaning the turf is much more likely to pool urine as time progresses.
  3. A urethane backing also absorbs 5%-6% of all moisture, so no matter how many times you water down your turf, some of the urine will be absorbed into the backing.


Here at ProGreen, we offer unique products that overcome the common complaints that pet owners have historically had with artificial turf. Over the years we have evolved our engineering processes to develop the absolute best artificial turf for dogs on the market today. Take a look at our pet turf products.


With higher traffic areas like these, you will want a shorter pile height product to help prevent matting. A lower pile height will also help with solid waste cleanup. Out pet-friendly turf isn’t just limited to a short height, though, as a majority of our products have our ProFlow backing. If you want a more aesthetic-looking backyard, but you also have dogs that will be using the area for restroom purposes, you could definitely install a taller 2” pile height pet product. You do not have to feel limited to your options as far as aesthetic goes with our pet turf products. We have multiple different colors, pile heights, and weights to choose from.


We all know that dogs can be destructive sometimes. Having a durable product can help alleviate that stress. Our QuadriBind backing ensures a superior durability. This four-layered backing makes for a heavy-duty, long-lasting foundation that will withstand the test of time. This durable construction ensures quality and the best artificial turf for dogs.


Our ProFlow backing is 100% permeable to allow for maximum drainage. Better drainage means less smell and a cleaner area. With our ProFlow backing, no perforations are required because the entire product will drain without them! You will not have to worry about your dog’s aiming skills with our artificial turf. All you will have to do is water down the area with a garden hose as needed. This allows for the area to completely flush out and drain into the absorbent base. It’s that easy! When you have a better drainage system, you can rest assured knowing that your turf will stand up to your pets for years to come.

Water draining through ProFlow backing
ProFlow backing in action.


No matter the size of your dog or how many you have, our ProFlow, QuadriBind backing is here to help! We offer different options and can guide you to choosing the best artificial turf for dogs. Our pet turf is great for doggy daycares, dog kennels, dog parks, and dog runs.


When it comes to investing in pet turf, you do not want the cheapest product. You will want a product that lasts and drains well. Choosing the wrong pet turf could cost you more in the future if you must replace it. Let us provide you with a free estimate with ProGreen’s pet turf because it is the best for dogs. Contact us today!