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Will ProGreen artificial grass fade in the sun?

ProGreen does not use a topical UV treatment to prevent fading. The problem with a topical solution is that it can wash away and become less effective as time goes by, leaving you with a lawn of faded, unnatural looking turf. In addition, insufficient UV protection that can actually cause the fibers to break down prematurely, resulting in more problems than just fading.

At ProGreen, the UV Inhibitors are mixed into the fiber/yarn resin and are actually built into the turf itself. All ProGreen turf is made of the highest-quality materials in our own manufacturing plants in the USA. We have projects that we installed in the late 1980s that have no discernible signs of fading.

In rare instances, we have found that Energy Efficient Windows can cause magnified reflections that may cause synthetic turf to melt, if it is in the direct path of that reflection. The magnification from some Energy Efficient Windows is so powerful that it can melt sprinkler heads, kiddie pools, and other plastics. If you do have Energy Efficient Windows, call the manufacturer and ask them how to remedy this problem. Tinting the windows is usually sufficient.