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Artificial Turf is Not Just for Areas of Drought

While parts of the country are in a serious drought, other areas have had an abnormally wet couple of months. While you may think that artificial lawns are only a necessity for those areas with a limited water supply, there is actually a great need for artificial turf in Denver, Seattle, Chicago, Tulsa and any other area that has seen an abundance of rainfall this year or every year.

The Unavoidable Mud Problem

Heavy rain can cause irreparable damage to your lawn, especially if you have dogs. While you may be able to avoid going outside when it is raining, your dogs cannot, and this is when you are left with a big mud problem. Many dogs love to dig in the mud or splash in the puddles, and this kind of heavy traffic on wet soil destroys your natural grass. Once the rain has stopped and the ground has dried, all you are left with is a grass-less patch of dirt.

And, even if your dog is not a digger, there is no way to avoid muddy paws when it is raining.

Wreaks Havoc on Lawn Maintenance

As if you didn’t dread doing yard work already, rain makes it more difficult and time consuming than normal. An abundance of rainfall will cause your natural grass to grow rapidly, as long as it is not so much rain that it drowns it. With the faster growth rate, you will be required to mow it more often, most likely in a short break between storms. However, mowing wet grass can create problems for your lawn mower and it usually requires more frequent bagging.

In addition, pesticide and fertilizer application is drastically affected by rainfall. If you treat your lawn before a heavy storm, most of the product is washed away with the rain. As such, you will need to do another application once the rainstorm is over.

As you can see, artificial turf for lawns is an ideal solution for all areas, whether they receive too much rain or not enough. If you find yourself tired of dealing with muddy paws or mowing wet grass, invest in ProGreen synthetic grass and make them a thing of the past.