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How to Build a Dog Kennel in Your Backyard

There is no denying the fact that people are passionate about their dogs. They aren’t called man’s best friend for nothing. The bond between dogs and their owners/families is indescribable. Dogs are loving, loyal, protective and compassionate. It is no wonder that 44% American households have them, according to the latest statistic from the ASPCA. And, those families that have four legged family members love to spoil them and ensure they have the most comfortable home environment possible. As a result, backyard dog kennels are steadily growing in popularity.

A backyard dog kennel makes perfect sense when you think about the benefits. It gives your dog a safe, confined area in your yard for him/her to enjoy while limiting the negative effects that your dog may have to your yard to one designated area. It gives you the option of letting your dog enjoy some outdoor time while you run some errands, instead of leaving him/her inside. They are surprisingly easy to create, and a project that you could even tackle yourself if you want. There are just a few things that you need.

What you need for the perfect backyard dog kennel:

  1. First and foremost, you need a designated area. It can be as spacious as you would like or more modest if you do not have the room. Try to find an area that has some shade so your dog can get some relief from the sun.
  2. Next, install adequate surfacing. Of course, ProGreen’s pet turf is ideal for these specific applications. If you left the existing dirt and grass, you will have to deal with mud and puddles, meaning there will be many instances in which the kennel is unusable. With our artificial grass for dogs, there will be no mud in your kennel, ever. You will have a beautiful, green grass surface all year long, and you can rest assured knowing that it was designed to withstand the claws and traffic of dogs. Not to mention, dogs love grass, and we have no doubt that they would prefer our soft synthetic grass to gravel or another alternative.
  3. Now that the area is properly prepared, it is time to install the enclosure. Yes, you want to make sure the kennel is securely fenced in. Choose an enclosure that your dog cannot break through or jump over. This is for the safety of your pet.
  4. Decorate the area. You can add any toys, structures or other accessories that you think your dog would love. Of course, one of the necessities is a water source. Whether it is a bowl, fountain or hose, your dog needs access to water. Another must for those who could not get an area with some natural shade is the inclusion of a dog house or some other shelter. It is important that your dog have the ability to get out of the sun.

Now that you know what to do, it’s time to get started. Be sure to call us to get the turf for your dog kennel once you have designated the area.