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Featured Installation: Northern California Backyard

It always delights us to be able to showcase the amazing talent of our dedicated ProGreen dealers, and so, we are happy to feature this recent installation from our dealer in the San Francisco Bay area. PolyGrass has been a proud ProGreen dealer for nearly 10 years. Their level of experience and professionalism is evident in the exceptional quality of work they produce.

bay area artificial grass

This installation is a stunning backyard hillside featuring ProGreen’s Natural Real Supreme. The lush, 80 ounce product is the perfect addition to this remarkable estate, offering a low maintenance, water-conserving alternative to natural grass. Yes, this lawn will help these homeowners meet any water restrictions mandated by the state of California. PolyGrass’ technique is nearly flawless and includes unique tactics to make it look as authentic as possible. Look at the detail along the edge – all you see are dirt and grass blades. There is not a trace of evidence that would suggest this lawn is artificial. This is the level of expertise that PolyGrass devotes to every project.

In a market like California, where the demand and competition for artificial grass is extremely high, it is important to know you have hired a quality contractor. Ask for references, ask for examples of previous work and ask where their turf is manufactured. If they cannot provide answers to these questions, it is not a contractor you need to hire. Polygrass can produce multiple examples like the one showcased here. They are a company you can trust and one that ProGreen is proud to support. So, if you are in need of artificial grass in San Francisco, look no further than Polygrass.