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ProGreen and SprinTurf Featured in The Daniel Island News

Recently ProGreen Synthetic Turf Systems and it’s sister company SprinTurf were featured in a recent article put out by The Daniel Island News.

The article written by Marie Rocha-Tygh provides a high level explanation of the services that ProGreen & SprinTurf provide. She goes on to share a list of some of the local South Carolina projects completed by SprinTurf. The article also features a quote from Greg Keating (President & CEO of The Daniel Island Club). Keating shares some highlights from the positive experience he had working with the ProGreen team during the installation of their project.

The Daniel Island Club project was a large scale job that features ProGreen’s patented CoolPlay Turf System. This proprietary technology works to significantly decrease the surface temperature of the artificial turf. Sometimes turf in direct sunlight can get as hot as 140 degrees.

The majority of the Daniel Island Club project was located around the clubs pool deck area. ProGreen’s local General Manager, Bryan Vogt, worked with the Daniel Island Club Team to install our proprietary heat mitigation technology. Ensuring that none of the members or guests would have to experience sweltering temperatures during the hot Summer Months.

“By installing our CoolPlay Turf System we’re able to make sure the turf is enjoyable and safe for all of the guests.”
-Bryan Vogt (GM ProGreen of Charleston)

You can read the entire article at www.TheDanielIslandNews.com or by clicking here. If you’d like to get a free estimate for artificial turf at your home, business, or commercial property please complete the contact form below, or on our website. Our team will coordinate a convenient time to come out and provide you with a free turf installation quote.

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